Jul 11, 2010

Worship Bulletin Shell

These worship bulletin shells (legal size) are overprinted each Sunday with the order of worship and weekly announcements. Perforation on far left allows "Connect Card" to be detached for worship attendance tracking. Cover reinforces the church's key drivers: Know the Word, Live the Word and Share the Word.

Jul 6, 2010

Person-Centered Training Brochure

Tri-fold brochure for the Institute for Person-Centered Practices. Created logo and branding color scheme.

Feb 3, 2010

Lent/Easter Postcard

Postcard (5x7) for "The 7 Final Days of Jesus" sermon series during Lent and Easter. These seven images corresponded with each Sunday's different focus and were repeated on the screens in worship. For example, the image of donkey's feet was used for the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Postcard was distributed via direct mail to the surrounding neighborhoods.